
Today, Claudia’s family gathered to grieve yet celebrate the life of Mrs. Margaret (Cricket) Lewis Amason. There were many tears and laughter at the funeral.

She was a second cousin’s high school sweetheart. Allen and Cricket got married when I was a child. We were within the same generation yet separated by 15-years in age and different branches of the family which limited our opportunity to be together at family reunions once a year mostly. The past few years we have shared several meals together. Allen and Cricket were among the few people who knew that Anastasia was coming before we returned to Africa in 2017. Cricket was thrilled to hear the news because she so enjoyed being a mother to her 4 children and treasured every moment. She was so encouraging and supportive of me becoming a mother.

Cricket has lost her long battle with breast cancer, but she is victorious and with Jesus now. Her life was all about GLORIFYING GOD in everything she did from loving her husband, children and grandchildren to making every person she met feel special. She had the ability to even sweep the floor to the GLORY OF GOD. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Cricket did this!!! We talked about the mission field because she had gone on short-term mission trips. Cricket was really on MISSION for CHRIST every day of her life. She wanted to let everyone know how to receive eternal HOPE in Jesus Christ. The past two years has been a huge struggle for her family knowing she was dying, but she even did that to the GLORY OF GOD. I came across this quote this last week “Live every day like you’re terminal. Because you are. Live every day like your soul’s eternal. Because it is.” Cricket did this with such beauty.

Cricket will be greatly missed. She will always be one of my heroes. Cricket’s legacy of living and dying will live on in the lives of everyone who had contact with her.


4 thoughts on “Cricket

  1. I saw you exit at the funeral. All the Community Bible Study leaders were present at the service. Cricket served with poise and great faith almost until the very end of her precious life, and Gary and I extend sympathy to you and all her relatives, close or shirt-tailed! Cricket was well loved by all who encountered her. Sue

    On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 4:41 PM Ha3els in Africa wrote:

    > ha3elsinafrica posted: “Today, Claudia’s family gathered to grieve yet > celebrate the life of Mrs. Margaret (Cricket) Lewis Amason. There were many > tears and laughter at the funeral. She was a second cousin’s high school > sweetheart. Allen and Cricket got married when I was a t” >


  2. Such a beautiful tribute to Cricket! I’m so sorry for your loss; praying for you and for Cricket’s family and friends. 🙏❤️


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